Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact

List Description
6k-team [no description available]
ABCDJ Accessing Behavior for Clinical Data and Joint Usage
Acq.ipp Data Acquisition in IEK-4
Ai.jsc [no description available]
Altium [no description available]
announcements_biosoft IHRS BioSoft announcements
aparc-climate Atmospheric Processes And their Role in Climate
apart APART Public Mailinglist
App-review-team [no description available]
As-scb [no description available]
as-zam Abteilung HPC Anwendungs-Support
Asim Mitarbeiter des Lehrstuhls 'Computersimulationen für Brandschutz und Fußgängerverkehr'
AUFWIND Kerosin aus Algen produzieren
Begegnungen_im_Zentrum [no description available]
Betreuer-Forum [no description available]
BfC-Newsletter Informationen zu allen BfC-Schwerpunktthemen (Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie, Diversity & Inclusion sowie Chancengerechtigkeit)
Biosoft-kolloquium [no description available]
Bornagain-announcements Announcements concerning BornAgain, a software to simulate and fit GISAS experiments
Calls-juniq [no description available]
Casa-sdl-climate-info [no description available]
Catia [no description available]
Catia-user [no description available]
Coredb [no description available]
Csb_isb3 [no description available]
Datalad-devel discussion of DataLad development topics
Deepsea-adm Deepsea-adm
Deepsea-all DEEP-SEA - all people involved
Deepsea-bop Deepsea-bop
Deepsea-sup Deepsea-sup
Deepsea-tow Deepsea-tow
Deepsea_wp1 Deepsea_wp1
Deepsea_wp2 DEEPsea-WP2
Deepsea_wp3 DEEPsea-WP3
Deepsea_wp4 Deepsea_wp4
Deepsea_wp5 Deepsea_wp5
DeFTeam Density Dunctional Theory users of the Forschungszentrum Jülich
Edm [no description available]
eesi-dt [EESI-WG3.5-DT]
EIC [no description available]
Eic-wp3 [no description available]
Eic-wp4 [no description available]
emi [no description available]
emi-adm [no description available]
emi-jsc [no description available]
Epi EPI - FZJ intern
ESMI-Newsletter [no description available]
Ess_instrumentierung_juelich [no description available]
Eudat-security [no description available]
Eudat-support [no description available]
EUSMI-communication [no description available]
Femalevoice [no description available]
Firesim [no description available]
Fisi-ausbilder [no description available]
Gloria-data [no description available]
Gloria-Technik [no description available]
Go-intern [no description available]
Gobio-news Go-Bio Newsletter
HDF-Cloud HDF Cloud announcements
Hg.pyramid [no description available]
Hpc-ff-user [no description available]
hpcls.jsc [no description available]
HPSC-TerrSys Centre for High-Performance Scientific Computing in Terrestrial Systems - Supercomputing in Geosciences
Hpss2014infos Info for HPSS
Ias-7 [no description available]
ias-events Events at the Institute for Advanced Simulation
Icg-1.tivoli [no description available]
Ics-4 [no description available]
ief5-gase Zustand der Gasversorgung des IEF5
Ief5-werkstatt [no description available]
iek-6-cfd Mitarbeiterverteiler des IEK-6 (Abteilung CFD)
iek-6-cpp Mitarbeiterverteiler des IEK-6 (Abteilung Containmentphänomene und Prozesse)
iek-6-entsorgung Mitarbeiterverteiler des IEF-6 (Bereich Entsorgung)
iek-6-reaktorsicherheit Mitarbeiterverteiler des IEK-6 (Bereich Reaktorsicherheit)
iek-6-rt Mitarbeiterverteiler des IEK-6 (Abteilung Reaktortheorie)
Iek5-depo [no description available]
Iek5-docs [no description available]
Iek6-cluster [no description available]
Ikp Mitarbeiter des IKP (Institut fuer Kernphysik)
Ikp-e-1 Mitarbeiter der IKP-Abteilung Experiment I
Ikp-e-2 Mitarbeiter IKP-2
ikp-iv Mitarbeiter der IKP-Abteilung Kernphysikalische Großgeräte
Ikp-panda [no description available]
Ikp-th Mitarbeiter der IKP-Abteilung Theorie
IKP_Elektronik IKP Elektroniklabor
IKP_Infrastruktur IKP Infrastruktur (Elektroniklabor, Werkstatt, Konstruktion, Strahlenschutz, Verwaltung)
IKP_Konstruktion IKP Konstruktionsabteilung
IKP_Strahlenschutz IKP Abteilung Strahlenschutz
IKP_Werkstatt IKP mechanische Werkstatt
image-processing Ankuendigungen Bildverarbeitungskolloquium
Imaging_lectures Imaging Lecture Series IHRS BioSoft, BIF-IGS, HIDSS4Health, Helmholtz Imaging
Info PRACE RI info
Inm4-students Mailing list for all INM4 students
Inm5-intern alle Mitarbeiter des INM-5
Inm9-extern [no description available]
Inm9-intern [no description available]
Itai IT-Ausschuss Infrastruktur
ITAS Mailingliste des ITA-S
Jara JARA News
Jcns-garching [no description available]
Jcns-mlz-staff [no description available]
Jcns-mlz-wissenschaft [no description available]
JEDI [no description available]
Jedi-analysis [no description available]
Jedi-polarimetry [no description available]
Jedi-squid [no description available]
jl-exaesm Joint Lab Exascale Earth System Modelling
jsc-events Mitteilungen ueber Veranstaltungen im JSC und NIC
JSC-novas JSC Novel System Architectures
JSC_NIC_Announcements Liste zum Versenden von Informationen zur Beantragung von Rechenzeit (GCS/NIC)
jscnews Newsletter JSC News
Jsm-verteiler [no description available]
JUBE-news JUBE notification mailing list
juelich-neutrons Juelich Neutrons for Europe Newsletter
julain_journal_club Journal Club of JULAIN network of ML and DL interested researchers of FZJ
Juropa3-admin Juropa-3 Administration and Monitoring
juRS the Jülich Real-Space DFT project
JuRSE-mailinglist Updates on Research Software Engineering at FZJ
JuSER-info Sachbearbeiterinformationen zu JuSER
Kws_jcns [no description available]
Lieferung.jsc HW Lieferungen Info-Liste
llec Kommunikation zwischen externen Stakeholdern oder Projektinteressierten mit den Projektverantwortlichen.
llec-board Kommunikation zwischen Mitgliedern des Projektmanagementteams und des Lenkungsausschusses.
llec-management Kommunikation zwischen Mitgliedern des Projektmanagementteams.
llec-stakeholder Kommunikation zwischen dem Lenkungsausschuss bzw. dem Projektmanager und internen oder externen Stakeholdern.
llec-teams Kommunikation zwischen Mitgliedern des Projektmanagementteams und den Teammanagern.
lofar-lta [no description available]
Lsa-info [no description available]
ma-zam Mitarbeiter der Abteilung Mathematik und Ausbildung
Malleability [no description available]
Many-core-jsc [no description available]
MasterTM [no description available]
mata aktuelle und ehemalige MaTA-Azubis des FZJ
Meaamp64 [no description available]
ML JULAIN network of ML and DL interested researchers of FZJ
Mp2i_isb3 Computational Biochemistry Group
Neurostudien [no description available]
Neurostudien2_inm [no description available]
Neurotec-sc Steering Committee Neurotec
newsletter-wid [no description available]
Newsletter_vorab Ankündigung des Newsletter-Redaktionsschlusses
Ngi-de [no description available]
ocon.jsc [no description available]
Oel-buero [no description available]
orpheus [no description available]
PADC [no description available]
parateam-zam [no description available]
pepc [no description available]
Pgi-controlclub PGI-8 and -12 Control Club
PGI8-qcsqm PGI-8: Quantum Control and Synthetic Quantum Matter
PHILEAS [no description available]
Photovoltaik-Vorlesung_Studenten_IEK5 Studenten der Vorlesung Photovoltaik an der RWTH Aachen im WS 2010/2011
Phyto-abb-journal [no description available]
Pli_inm1 [PLI]
Prace-support [no description available]
Qsolid-qpu-interface [no description available]
radsafe-d Deutschsprachiges Diskussionsforum für Strahlenschutzfragen
radsafe-eu European Radiation Safety Mailing List
Rapid [no description available]
Raumplanung-jsc [no description available]
Raumtechnik-jsc [no description available]
RIAG [no description available]
rundschreiben-vsr Liste zum Versenden von Informationen zur Beantragung von Rechenzeit (JARA/VSR)
Samplify [no description available]
Scafacos-dvlp [no description available]
Scalasca-news News related to the Scalasca project
SciCo-IAS-6 IAS-6 Scientific Coordinator contact list
Scs [no description available]
SEANERGYS-adm SEANEGYS project, administrative contacts
SEANERGYS-law SEANEGYS project, legal contacts
sfl-bc SAP Basis Admins
Sionlib-news SIONlib notification mailing list
slcs_jsc Simulation Laboratory Climate Science at JSC
SMMP-devel-nic Discussion of SMMP development issues
Solid-nmr [no description available]
Sparcwavas SPARC water vapour initiative
SPM Announcements for the SPM community
Structural_Biochemistry_Seminar [no description available]
students_biosoft Associated students of the IHRS BioSoft.
SVAsystem-users-dev SVA model system users and developers
Tech-it [no description available]
tech-jsc Abteilung Technologie und Institutsdienste des JSC
technomathematik [no description available]
Template-admin-zam [no description available]
Tri_ikp [no description available]
Users-juniq [no description available]
VMware.JSC [no description available]
Vmware.jsc-admins [no description available]
volcanoes This mailing list provides near-real-time notifications of volcanic eruptions.
wasa-at-cosy WASA-at-COSY collaboration internal discussions and announcements
wasa-at-cosy-news Public announcements concerning WASA-at-COSY
Webmaster-icg1 [no description available]
WTR-Newsletter Neuigkeiten aus dem WTR
zamnet-admin [no description available]

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