mailing lists - Admin Links |
Welcome! Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list. General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page. (Send questions and comments to |
List | Description |
6k-team | [no description available] |
Acq.ipp | Data Acquisition in IEK-4 |
Ai.jsc | [no description available] |
Altium | [no description available] |
announcements_biosoft | IHRS BioSoft announcements |
aparc-climate | Atmospheric Processes And their Role in Climate |
apart | APART Public Mailinglist |
App-review-team | [no description available] |
As-scb | [no description available] |
as-zam | Abteilung HPC Anwendungs-Support |
Asim | Mitarbeiter des Lehrstuhls 'Computersimulationen für Brandschutz und FuÃgängerverkehr' |
AUFWIND | Kerosin aus Algen produzieren |
Betreuer-Forum | [no description available] |
BfC-Newsletter | Informationen zu allen BfC-Schwerpunktthemen (Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie, Diversity & Inclusion sowie Chancengerechtigkeit) |
Biosoft-kolloquium | [no description available] |
Bornagain-announcements | Announcements concerning BornAgain, a software to simulate and fit GISAS experiments |
Calls-juniq | [no description available] |
Casa-sdl-climate-info | [no description available] |
Catia | [no description available] |
Catia-user | [no description available] |
Coredb | [no description available] |
Csb_isb3 | [no description available] |
Deepsea-adm | Deepsea-adm |
Deepsea-all | DEEP-SEA - all people involved |
Deepsea-bop | Deepsea-bop |
Deepsea-sup | Deepsea-sup |
Deepsea-tow | Deepsea-tow |
Deepsea_wp1 | Deepsea_wp1 |
Deepsea_wp2 | DEEPsea-WP2 |
Deepsea_wp3 | DEEPsea-WP3 |
Deepsea_wp4 | Deepsea_wp4 |
Deepsea_wp5 | Deepsea_wp5 |
DeFTeam | Density Dunctional Theory users of the Forschungszentrum Jülich |
Edm | [no description available] |
eesi-dt | [EESI-WG3.5-DT] |
EIC | [no description available] |
Eic-wp3 | [no description available] |
Eic-wp4 | [no description available] |
emi | [no description available] |
emi-adm | [no description available] |
emi-jsc | [no description available] |
Epi | EPI - FZJ intern |
ESMI-Newsletter | [no description available] |
Ess_instrumentierung_juelich | [no description available] |
Eudat-security | [no description available] |
Eudat-support | [no description available] |
EUSMI-communication | [no description available] |
Femalevoice | [no description available] |
Firesim | [no description available] |
Fisi-ausbilder | [no description available] |
Gloria-data | [no description available] |
Gloria-Technik | [no description available] |
Go-intern | [no description available] |
Gobio-news | Go-Bio Newsletter |
HDF-Cloud | HDF Cloud announcements |
Hg.pyramid | [no description available] |
Hpc-ff-user | [no description available] |
hpcls.jsc | [no description available] |
HPSC-TerrSys | Centre for High-Performance Scientific Computing in Terrestrial Systems - Supercomputing in Geosciences |
Hpss2014infos | Info for HPSS |
Ias-7 | [no description available] |
ias-events | Events at the Institute for Advanced Simulation |
Icg-1.tivoli | [no description available] |
Ics-4 | [no description available] |
ief5-gase | Zustand der Gasversorgung des IEF5 |
Ief5-werkstatt | [no description available] |
iek-6-cfd | Mitarbeiterverteiler des IEK-6 (Abteilung CFD) |
iek-6-cpp | Mitarbeiterverteiler des IEK-6 (Abteilung Containmentphänomene und Prozesse) |
iek-6-entsorgung | Mitarbeiterverteiler des IEF-6 (Bereich Entsorgung) |
iek-6-reaktorsicherheit | Mitarbeiterverteiler des IEK-6 (Bereich Reaktorsicherheit) |
iek-6-rt | Mitarbeiterverteiler des IEK-6 (Abteilung Reaktortheorie) |
Iek5-depo | [no description available] |
Iek5-docs | [no description available] |
Iek6-cluster | [no description available] |
Ikp | Mitarbeiter des IKP (Institut fuer Kernphysik) |
Ikp-e-1 | Mitarbeiter der IKP-Abteilung Experiment I |
Ikp-e-2 | Mitarbeiter IKP-2 |
ikp-iv | Mitarbeiter der IKP-Abteilung Kernphysikalische GroÃgeräte |
Ikp-panda | [no description available] |
Ikp-th | Mitarbeiter der IKP-Abteilung Theorie |
IKP_Elektronik | IKP Elektroniklabor |
IKP_Infrastruktur | IKP Infrastruktur (Elektroniklabor, Werkstatt, Konstruktion, Strahlenschutz, Verwaltung) |
IKP_Konstruktion | IKP Konstruktionsabteilung |
IKP_Strahlenschutz | IKP Abteilung Strahlenschutz |
IKP_Werkstatt | IKP mechanische Werkstatt |
image-processing | Ankuendigungen Bildverarbeitungskolloquium |
Imaging_lectures | Imaging Lecture Series IHRS BioSoft, BIF-IGS, HIDSS4Health, Helmholtz Imaging |
Info | PRACE RI info |
Inm-phd-list | [no description available] |
Inm4-students | Mailing list for all INM4 students |
Inm5-intern | alle Mitarbeiter des INM-5 |
Inm9-extern | [no description available] |
Inm9-intern | [no description available] |
Itai | IT-Ausschuss Infrastruktur |
ITAS | Mailingliste des ITA-S |
Jara | JARA News |
Jcns-garching | [no description available] |
Jcns-mlz-staff | [no description available] |
Jcns-mlz-wissenschaft | [no description available] |
JEDI | [no description available] |
Jedi-analysis | [no description available] |
Jedi-polarimetry | [no description available] |
Jedi-squid | [no description available] |
jl-exaesm | Joint Lab Exascale Earth System Modelling |
jsc-events | Mitteilungen ueber Veranstaltungen im JSC und NIC |
JSC-novas | JSC Novel System Architectures |
JSC_NIC_Announcements | Liste zum Versenden von Informationen zur Beantragung von Rechenzeit (GCS/NIC) |
jscnews | Newsletter JSC News |
Jsm-verteiler | [no description available] |
JUBE-news | JUBE notification mailing list |
juelich-neutrons | Juelich Neutrons for Europe Newsletter |
julain_journal_club | Journal Club of JULAIN network of ML and DL interested researchers of FZJ |
Juropa3 | Juropa-3 Planning and Cooperation |
Juropa3-admin | Juropa-3 Administration and Monitoring |
juRS | the Jülich Real-Space DFT project |
JuRSE-mailinglist | Updates on Research Software Engineering at FZJ |
JuSER-info | Sachbearbeiterinformationen zu JuSER |
Kws_jcns | [no description available] |
Laborg-ics6 | [no description available] |
Lieferung.jsc | HW Lieferungen Info-Liste |
llec | Kommunikation zwischen externen Stakeholdern oder Projektinteressierten mit den Projektverantwortlichen. |
llec-board | Kommunikation zwischen Mitgliedern des Projektmanagementteams und des Lenkungsausschusses. |
llec-management | Kommunikation zwischen Mitgliedern des Projektmanagementteams. |
llec-stakeholder | Kommunikation zwischen dem Lenkungsausschuss bzw. dem Projektmanager und internen oder externen Stakeholdern. |
llec-teams | Kommunikation zwischen Mitgliedern des Projektmanagementteams und den Teammanagern. |
lofar-lta | [no description available] |
Lsa-info | [no description available] |
ma-zam | Mitarbeiter der Abteilung Mathematik und Ausbildung |
Malleability | [no description available] |
Many-core-jsc | [no description available] |
MasterTM | [no description available] |
mata | aktuelle und ehemalige MaTA-Azubis des FZJ |
Meaamp64 | [no description available] |
ML | JULAIN network of ML and DL interested researchers of FZJ |
Mp2i_isb3 | Computational Biochemistry Group |
Neurostudien | [no description available] |
Neurostudien2_inm | [no description available] |
Neurotec-sc | Steering Committee Neurotec |
newsletter-wid | [no description available] |
Newsletter_vorab | Ankündigung des Newsletter-Redaktionsschlusses |
Ngi-de | [no description available] |
o-webinare | Informationen zu Webinaren bei O |
ocon.jsc | [no description available] |
Oel-buero | [no description available] |
orpheus | [no description available] |
PADC | [no description available] |
parateam-zam | [no description available] |
pepc | [no description available] |
Pgi-controlclub | PGI-8 and -12 Control Club |
PGI8-qcsqm | PGI-8: Quantum Control and Synthetic Quantum Matter |
PHILEAS | [no description available] |
Photovoltaik-Vorlesung_Studenten_IEK5 | Studenten der Vorlesung Photovoltaik an der RWTH Aachen im WS 2010/2011 |
Phyto-abb-journal | [no description available] |
Pli_inm1 | [PLI] |
Prace-support | [no description available] |
radsafe-d | Deutschsprachiges Diskussionsforum für Strahlenschutzfragen |
radsafe-eu | European Radiation Safety Mailing List |
Rapid | [no description available] |
Raumplanung-jsc | [no description available] |
Raumtechnik-jsc | [no description available] |
Riag | [no description available] |
rundschreiben-vsr | Liste zum Versenden von Informationen zur Beantragung von Rechenzeit (JARA/VSR) |
Samplify | [no description available] |
Scafacos-dvlp | [no description available] |
Scalasca-news | News related to the Scalasca project |
SciCo-IAS-6 | IAS-6 Scientific Coordinator contact list |
Scs | [no description available] |
SEANERGYS-adm | SEANEGYS project, administrative contacts |
SEANERGYS-law | SEANEGYS project, legal contacts |
sfl-bc | SAP Basis Admins |
Sionlib-news | SIONlib notification mailing list |
slcs_jsc | Simulation Laboratory Climate Science at JSC |
SMMP-devel-nic | Discussion of SMMP development issues |
Solid-nmr | [no description available] |
Sparcwavas | SPARC water vapour initiative |
SPM | Announcements for the SPM community |
Structural_Biochemistry_Seminar | [no description available] |
students_biosoft | Associated students of the IHRS BioSoft. |
SVAsystem-users-dev | SVA model system users and developers |
System_oit | [no description available] |
Tech-it | [no description available] |
tech-jsc | Abteilung Technologie und Institutsdienste des JSC |
technomathematik | [no description available] |
Template-admin-zam | [no description available] |
Tri_ikp | [no description available] |
Users-juniq | [no description available] |
VMware.JSC | [no description available] |
Vmware.jsc-admins | [no description available] |
volcanoes | This mailing list provides near-real-time notifications of volcanic eruptions. |
wasa-at-cosy | WASA-at-COSY collaboration internal discussions and announcements |
wasa-at-cosy-news | Public announcements concerning WASA-at-COSY |
Webmaster-icg1 | [no description available] |
WTR-Newsletter | Neuigkeiten aus dem WTR |
zamnet-admin | [no description available] |
version 2.1.29 |